Top "Uicolor" questions

A UIColor object represents color and sometimes opacity (alpha value).

Apply gradient color to arc created with UIBezierPath

I want to create a progress bar that has the form of an arc. The color of the progress bar …

ios xcode uicolor uibezierpath
What does 70% grey mean and how do I specify this in UIColor?

I'd like to replicate the default color of the UITextField placeholder field. From the documentation: The placeholder string is drawn …

ios uitextfield uicolor
Default UIColor of iPhone Navigation Bar

Can anyone tell me the RGB for the default iPhone navigation bar blue? I know that you can normally set …

iphone rgb uicolor navigationbar
UIColor colorWithRed:green:blue: always produces black

I have come across many instances when I try to make custom color through code and the result is quite …

objective-c cocoa-touch uicolor
Swift how can we convert lightBluecolor.CGColor to corresponding UIColor

I am using a CGColor lightbluecolor and now I want to use the exact color as background of a uiButton. …

swift background uibutton uicolor cgcolor
Storing UIColor object in Core Data

I want to store a UIColor object as an attribute on a Core Data entity, then retrieve it and use …

ios core-data uicolor
Comparing UIColors or CGColor or CGColorSpace

I'm having an issue comparing UIColors. I have an image, which I have successfully extracted the color on the image …

ios uicolor
How do I convert a UIColor to a hexadecimal string?

I have a project where I need to store the RGBA values of a UIColor in a database as an 8…

objective-c ios hex uicolor
How do I easily support light and dark mode with a custom color used in my app?

Let's say I have a custom color in my app: extension UIColor { static var myControlBackground: UIColor { return UIColor(red: 0.3, green: 0.4, …

ios swift uicolor ios-darkmode uitraitcollection
How can I find out the RGB color of my object in storyboard

I have a button in the storyboard, I gave it a color magnesium. I am doing some programming on the …

ios xcode storyboard uicolor