Top "Uicolor" questions

A UIColor object represents color and sometimes opacity (alpha value).

What is the standard Apple blue colour?

Here's an extract from ... // // UIColor.h // UIKit // // Copyright (c) 2005-2013, Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // ........ // Some convenience methods to create …

ios uibutton uicolor
HSV Color ranges table

I'm developing an App in which children need to find certain colors using a certain target dot on the camera …

ios colors rgb uicolor hsv
Saving UIColor to and loading from NSUserDefaults

What's the easiest way to save a UIColor into NSUserDefaults and then get it back out?

objective-c cocoa-touch nsuserdefaults uicolor
iOS - Setting UIButton background color only colors the corners

I'm trying to customize my button by changing their colors, but when I use either: self.loginButton.layer.backgroundColor = [UIColor …

ios uibutton uicolor cgcolor
Check if UIColor is dark or bright?

I need to determine whether a selected UIColor (picked by the user) is dark or bright, so I can change …

ios iphone xcode colors uicolor
Change navigation bar tint color iOS 7.

I know how to change navigation bat tint colour in iOS 6: [UINavigationBar appearance].tintColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:129/255.0 green:200/255.0 blue:244/255.0 alpha:1.0]; I'm …

ios ios7 uinavigationbar uicolor appdelegate
How to add initializers in extensions to existing UIKit classes such as UIColor?

The Swift documentation says that adding initializers in an extension is possible, and the example in the document is about …

swift uicolor
Get lighter and darker color variations for a given UIColor

How to get different lighter and darker variations of a given UIColor in Swift?

ios swift colors core-graphics uicolor
Is there function to convert UIColor to Hue Saturation Brightness?

i can set uicolor with RGB values: [UIColor colorWithRed:0.53 green:0.37 blue:0.11 alpha:1.00]; i can set uicolor with hsb values: [UIColor …

ios uicolor hsb
Generate a random UIColor

I try to get a random color for UILabel... - (UIColor *)randomColor { int red = arc4random() % 255 / 255.0; int green = arc4random() % 255 / 255.0; …

objective-c uicolor