Top "Uialertviewdelegate" questions

The `UIAlertViewDelegate` protocol defines the methods a delegate of a `UIAlertView` object should implement.

Unable to add UITextField to UIAlertView on in iOS 6

The code below works on iOS6 (and before) but the UITextField does not display in iOS7...any ideas on how …

objective-c ios7 uitextfield uialertview uialertviewdelegate
How to add action to buttons in Alert in Swift

I am beginner level programmer. I am trying to add action to buttons on Alert, but it doesn't work. I …

ios swift uialertview uialertviewdelegate
Several UIAlertViews for a delegate

Currently I've got a class popping up UIAlertViews here and there. Currently, the same class is the delegate for these (…

ios iphone delegates uialertview uialertviewdelegate