UdpClient (System.
I was looking for the best solution to receive and process messages via UdpClient class in C#. Does anyone have …
c# udpclientI am wondering whether I can set a timeout value for UdpClient receive method. I want to use block mode, …
c# timeout udpclientI tried the suggestion from this question with very little success. Please... any help will be greatly appreciated! Here is …
c# port reusability udpclientI need to send a UDP message to specific IP and Port. Since there are 3 network cards, 10.1.x.x 10.2.x.…
c# udp udpclient multihomedI want to do this for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) { Byte[] receiveBytes = receivingUdpClient.Receive(ref RemoteIpEndPoint); } But instead of …
c# udpclient beginreceiveI am developing an action multiplayer game with the help of the System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient class. It's for two …
c# .net network-programming udp udpclient