Top "Udpclient" questions

UdpClient (System.

Send and receive data on UDP Socket java android

I am able to properly send my data through UDP socket , but when I receive data it keeps on waiting …

java android sockets udp udpclient
Receive messages continuously using udpClient

I was looking for the best solution to receive and process messages via UdpClient class in C#. Does anyone have …

c# udpclient
What is the size of udp packets if I send 0 payload data in c#?

I have figured out the maximum data before fragmentation between 2 endpoints using udp is 1472(other endpoints may vary). This states …

c# header udp packet udpclient
Can I set the timeout for UdpClient in C#?

I am wondering whether I can set a timeout value for UdpClient receive method. I want to use block mode, …

c# timeout udpclient
How to set the source port in the UDP socket in c?

Can any one tell me how to set the Source port address in the UDP socket ?. My client application needs …

c sockets udp udpclient
Connecting two UDP clients to one port (Send and Receive)

I tried the suggestion from this question with very little success. Please... any help will be greatly appreciated! Here is …

c# port reusability udpclient
Broadcasting UDP message to all the available network cards

I need to send a UDP message to specific IP and Port. Since there are 3 network cards, 10.1.x.x 10.2.x.…

c# udp udpclient multihomed
How to use UdpClient.BeginReceive in a loop

I want to do this for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) { Byte[] receiveBytes = receivingUdpClient.Receive(ref RemoteIpEndPoint); } But instead of …

c# udpclient beginreceive
Get client IP from UDP packages received with UdpClient

I am developing an action multiplayer game with the help of the System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient class. It's for two …

c# .net network-programming udp udpclient
sending and receiving UDP packet on datagram socket in android

I have two classes,one sender class and the other is the receiver class.Both of the sending and receiving …

java android sockets udp udpclient