Top "Udpclient" questions

UdpClient (System.

How to send a string in a UDP socket in iOS7?

I am trying to send a simple string over UDP in my iOS7 app to a known IP and could …

ios ios7 udp udpclient cfsocket
UDP local broadcast

I'm working on a remote control tool. The client runs a program to locally send commands to servers in order … udp broadcast multicast udpclient
How do I find the port number assigned to a UDP client (in .net/C#)?

If I create a socket using var socket = new UdpClient(0,AddressFamily.InterNetwork); How do I then find the port of …

c# udp udpclient
Bind multiple listener to the same port

I am using UdpClient class in .net 3.5 I need to bind multiple applications to the same port . So, if UDP …

c# udpclient
How do I know if UdpClient has been closed/disposed?

I am receiving data from UdpClient via the usual async callback: private void OnUdpData(IAsyncResult result) { byte[] data = _udpReceive.EndReceive(…

c# asynchronous dispose udpclient
C# UDP Socket Bind Exception

I am attempting to create a program for a wireless mesh (adhoc in all but name). Most of the network …

c# .net sockets udpclient mesh-network
UDP client does not receive data without bind()

I refereed to the UDP client program from binarytides and I was able to send a UDP packet frompy PC …

c sockets udp winsock2 udpclient
await UDPClient.ReceiveAsync with timeout

I'm using UDPClient like below dim c = New UDPClient(port) client.CLient.ReceiveTimeout = 1 await client.ReceiveAsync() However the await does …

.net timeout udpclient async-await
C#.Net UdpClient Receive Event

I'd like to find out if there is any way I could somehow fire an event when my UdpClient receives …

c# .net udpclient
Cannot receive UDP packets inside Unity game

So, I have this game, written in Unity, which is supposed to receive data in real-time over UDP. The data …

c# thread-safety udp unity3d udpclient