Top "Typeorm" questions

TypeORM is an object-relational mapper for TypeScript and JavaScript that supports many different databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL and platforms like Node.

Typeorm dynamic query builder from structured object

For use in a graphql server I have defined a structured input type where you can specify a number of …

graphql typeorm
Typeorm how to get relations of relations

I am getting the Object ChatRoomEntity with entitymanager.findOne method. The ChatRoomEntity has the variable messages wich is a OneToMany …

mysql typeorm
NodeJS map Dtos to TypeORM Entities

I have a nodejs REST API backend running the nestjs framework, using typeORM as ORM for my entities. Coming from …

node.js dto nestjs typeorm class-transformer
TypeORM, Query entity based on relation property

I would like to query an entity based on a related property, for instance: const x = await repo.findOne({ name: …

SpyOn TypeORM repository to change the return value for unit testing NestJS

I would like to unittest corner cases for my TypeORM database calls. I have already mocked all my TypeORM repositories …

nestjs typeorm
How difficult is it to choose an ORM for Node.js? Or Node.js lacks a mature ORM

I have a production project to develop. It's an e-commerce site. My current stack: Node.js TypeScript PostgreSQL Now I …

node.js orm typeorm mikro-orm