Top "Typeorm" questions

TypeORM is an object-relational mapper for TypeScript and JavaScript that supports many different databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL and platforms like Node.

create connection pool TypeOrm

How to create a connection pool using TypeOrm? While exploring TypeOrm, I wanted to create pool of connections for working …

javascript mysql typescript typeorm
Saving a list of Entity using TypeORM

I'm using Repository class of typeorm to work with my Postgres database. My problem is when calling, …

postgresql typescript typeorm
QueryFailedError: the column "price" contain null values - TYPEORM - POSTGRESQL

I've created a simple table: import { Column, Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from "typeorm" @Entity() export class Test { @PrimaryGeneratedColumn() public id!: number @Column({ …

node.js postgresql typescript typeorm
NestJS + TypeORM: Use two or more databases?

I'm trying since 2 days to solve this, perhaps I'm simply missing the point here. My goal was to write a …

javascript node.js nestjs typeorm
Process of testing with TypeORM and Nestjs, and jest using mocks?

This question can likely be generalized to stubbing repositories in a service and how to properly test and provide coverage …

testing tdd nestjs typeorm
Is it possible to 'protect' a property and exclude it from select statements

I'd like to protect certain properties on the data-layer level. For example I'd like to protect the password hash I …

Bulk update via raw query in typeorm

How can I do bulk update via raw query in typeorm? For example we have model User with property name …

typeorm bulkupdate
Insert using a select in typeorm

I want to reproduce a query where the values are the result of a select in typeorm. The query i …

javascript mysql typescript typeorm typeorm-datamapper
Making fields/columns optional/required using TypeORM

I have this cURL command that successfully wrote to MySQL: curl -d '{"key1":"value", "key2":"value"}' -H "Content-Type: …

javascript node.js typeorm
Typeorm connect to multiple database

I use node.js , TS and typeorm for back-end project. I need to connect to a different database in the …

node.js postgresql typescript typeorm koa2