Top "Class-transformer" questions

Open-source TypeScript library for de/serialization between JSON and TypeScript classes using TypeScript decorators.

Nestjs Response Serialization with array of objects

I want to serialize a controller response by the nestjs serialization technique. I didn't find any approach and my solution …

node.js typescript serialization nestjs class-transformer
Serialization: How to exclude Entity columns in json response but not internal queries in Nestjs

Edit: I have looked at this question/answer How to exclude entity field from controller json But, as per below …

javascript node.js typescript nestjs class-transformer
NestJS: How to transform an array in a @Query object

I'm new to NestJS and I am trying to fill a filter DTO from query Parameters. Here is what I …

nestjs class-validator class-transformer
NestJS - Validating body conditionally, based on one property

I'm trying to find a nice way to validate a body using DTO (using the brilliant class-validator and class-transformer libraries). …

node.js typescript nestjs class-validator class-transformer