NestJS: How to transform an array in a @Query object

yuva.le picture yuva.le · Dec 11, 2019 · Viewed 8.7k times · Source

I'm new to NestJS and I am trying to fill a filter DTO from query Parameters.

Here is what I have:




public async getChecklists(@Query(ValidationPipe) filter: ChecklistFilter): Promise<ChecklistDto[]> {
    // ...


export class ChecklistFilter {

    @IsString({ each: true })
    @Type(() => String)
    @Transform((value: string) => value.split(','))
    stations?: string[];

    // ...

With this, the class validator does not complain, however, in the filter object stations is not actually an array but still a single string.

I want to transform it into an array within the validation pipe. How can I achieve that?


Jay McDoniel picture Jay McDoniel · Dec 11, 2019

You can pass an instance of the ValidationPipe instead of the class, and in doing so you can pass in options such as transform: true which will make class-validatorand class-transformer run, which should pass back the transformed value.

public async getChecklists(@Query(new ValidationPipe({ transform: true })) filter: ChecklistFilter): Promise<ChecklistDto[]> {
    // ...