Top "Typeof" questions

Typeof (alternately typeof or TypeOf) is an operator provided by several programming languages which determines the data type of a given variable.

How to typeof in C++

How to simulate C# typeof-command behavior in C++? C# example: public static PluginNodeList GetPlugins (Type type) { ... } Call: PluginManager.GetPlugins (typeof(…

c++ rtti typeof typeid
get methodinfo from a method reference C#

We can use a C# typeof keyword when we want to get Type instance for specified type. But what can …

c# .net reflection typeof methodinfo
Why javascript's typeof always return "object"?

What's it used for if it always returns object as type? always for Elements or lists.

javascript typeof
LINQ: From a list of type T, retrieve only objects of a certain subclass S

Given a simple inheritance hierarchy: Person -> Student, Teacher, Staff Say I have a list of Persons, L. In …

c# linq typeof oftype
how to tell if a javascript variable is a function

I need to loop over the properties of a javascript object. How can I tell if a property is a …

javascript typeof
What does "keyof typeof" mean in TypeScript?

Example: Explain to me what keyof typeof means in TypeScript enum ColorsEnum { white = '#ffffff', black = '#000000', } type Colors = …

typescript typeof union-types keyof
How to get the type of a variable in C code?

Is there any way that I can discover the type of a variable automatically in C, either through some mechanism …

c gcc types openmp typeof
Babel - Error: Cannot find module 'babel-runtime/helpers/typeof'

Transpiling via gulp-babel for the server and browserify with babelify for the client - using async and await in my …

transform babeljs typeof
C# Reflection: How to get the type of a Nullable<int>?

What I want to do is something like this: switch( myObject.GetType().GetProperty( "id") ) { case ??: // when Nullable<Int32>, …

c# .net reflection typeof gettype
What's the point of new String("x") in JavaScript?

What are the use cases for doing new String("already a string")? What's the whole point of it?

javascript string types instanceof typeof