Top "Gettype" questions

Type Checking: typeof, GetType, or is?

I've seen many people use the following code: Type t = typeof(obj1); if (t == typeof(int)) // Some code here But …

c# types typeof gettype
When and where to use GetType() or typeof()?

Why this works if (mycontrol.GetType() == typeof(TextBox)) {} and this do not? Type tp = typeof(mycontrol); But this works Type …

c# .net types typeof gettype
MySQL integer field is returned as string in PHP

I have a table field in a MySQL database: userid INT(11) So I am calling it to my page with …

php mysql types int gettype
How to get class type by its class name?

namespace Myspace { public class MyClass { } } //This class is in another file. using Myspace; static void Main(string[] args) { Regex regexViewModelKey = …

c# reflection gettype
Android get type of a view

How can i do this? something: final View view=FLall.getChildAt(i); if (view.getType()==ImageView) { ... }

java android gettype
C# 'is' operator performance

I have a program that requires fast performance. Within one of its inner loops, I need to test the type …

c# performance clr gettype
Unloading the Assembly loaded with Assembly.LoadFrom()

I need to check the time amount to run GetTypes() after loading the dll. The code is as follows. Assembly …

c# garbage-collection load gettype
C# Reflection: How to get the type of a Nullable<int>?

What I want to do is something like this: switch( myObject.GetType().GetProperty( "id") ) { case ??: // when Nullable<Int32>, …

c# .net reflection typeof gettype
Get type in referenced assembly by supplying class name as string?

These are similar questions: How-to: Load a type from a referenced assembly at runtime using a string in Silverlight, GetType …

c# .net reflection .net-assembly gettype
Type.GetType return null

I am trying to use Type.GetType and pass "caLibClient.entity.Web2ImageEntity" full class name. The caLibClient.entity is …

c# gettype