Top "Instanceof" questions

instanceof is an operator available in some object-oriented languages, including Java, php and JavaScript.

Getting the class name of an instance?

How do I find out a name of class that created an instance of an object in Python if the …

python introspection instanceof python-datamodel
Use of "instanceof" in Java

What is the 'instanceof' operator used for? I learned that Java has the instanceof operator. Can you elaborate where it …

java operators instanceof
What is the difference between instanceof and Class.isAssignableFrom(...)?

Which of the following is better? a instanceof B or B.class.isAssignableFrom(a.getClass()) The only difference that I …

java instanceof reflection
Is it possible to use the instanceof operator in a switch statement?

I have a question of using switch case for instanceof object: For example: my problem can be reproduced in Java: …

java switch-statement instanceof
What is the 'instanceof' operator used for in Java?

What is the instanceof operator used for? I've seen stuff like if (source instanceof Button) { //... } else { //... } But none of it …

java instanceof
What is the instanceof operator in JavaScript?

The instanceof keyword in JavaScript can be quite confusing when it is first encountered, as people tend to think that …

javascript operators instanceof
Java: Instanceof and Generics

Before I look through my generic data structure for a value's index, I'd like to see if it is even …

java generics instanceof typechecking
C++ equivalent of java's instanceof

What is the preferred method to achieve the C++ equivalent of java's instanceof?

java c++ oop instanceof
What is the difference between typeof and instanceof and when should one be used vs. the other?

In my particular case: callback instanceof Function or typeof callback == "function" does it even matter, what's the difference? Additional Resource: …

javascript instanceof typeof
How to check if a subclass is an instance of a class at runtime?

In an android app test suite I have a class like this where B is a view: public class A …

java subclass instanceof