Top "Typename" questions

typename is a keyword in the C++ programming language with two meanings.

Where and why do I have to put the "template" and "typename" keywords?

In templates, where and why do I have to put typename and template on dependent names? What exactly are dependent …

c++ templates typename c++-faq dependent-name
C++ Get name of type in template

I'm writing some template classes for parseing some text data files, and as such it is likly the great majority …

c++ templates compile-time typename
static template functions in a class

How do I make the following function inside a class and then access this function from main? My class is …

c++ class templates static typename
Argument list for class template is missing

I'm having a curious issue, and I'm not quite sure what the issue is. I'm creating a class called LinkedArrayList …

c++ templates typename
C++ template typename iterator

Consider the following header file: template <typename T> struct tNode { T Data; //the data contained within this node …

c++ templates iterator typename
C++ - meaning of a statement combining typedef and typename

In a C++ header file, I am seeing this code: typedef typename _Mybase::value_type value_type; Now, as I …

c++ typedef typename
C++ template specialization of function: "illegal use of explicit template arguments"

The following template specialization code: template<typename T1, typename T2> void spec1() { } Test case 1: template< typename T1&…

c++ templates template-specialization typename
When is the "typename" keyword necessary?

Possible Duplicate: Officially, what is typename for? Where and why do I have to put the template and typename keywords? …

c++ templates syntax typename
Why do I need to use typedef typename in g++ but not VS?

It had been a while since GCC caught me with this one, but it just happened today. But I've never …

c++ g++ typedef typename
template declaration of `typedef typename Foo<T>::Bar Bar'

I am encountering great difficulty in declaring a templated type as shown below. #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream&…

c++ templates typedef typename