Type conversion is the way of implicitly or explicitly changing an entity of one data type into another.
I'm migrating a project from Swift 2.2 to Swift 3, and I'm trying to get rid of old Cocoa data types when …
ios swift migration type-conversion swift3I want to convert a string to a generic type like int or date or long based on the generic …
c# string parsing type-conversionI working with play for scala (2.1) and I need to convert an "Option[Long]" value to "Long". I know how …
scala casting playframework type-conversion optionsI have a DataFrame named df as Order Number Status 1 1668 Undelivered 2 19771 Undelivered 3 100032108 Undelivered 4 2229 Delivered 5 00056 Undelivered I would like to convert …
python pandas boolean type-conversion seriesIn development blogs, online code examples and (recently) even a book, I keep stumbling about code like this: var y = …
c# casting type-conversionI have a CString variable that i a need to convert to LPCTSTR(const char*) .I need this conversion so …
c++ type-conversion cstringOk, the problem is that there's a merger or join that needs to be done on 2 tables. One has file …
sql string type-conversion varbinaryI have a java map: java.util.Map<SomeObject, java.util.Collection<OtherObject>> and I would …
java scala type-conversion scala-collections scala-java-interopI'm trying to parse a HTML page I retrieved through pyCurl but the pyCurl WRITEFUNCTION is returning the page as …
html beautifulsoup pycurl stringio type-conversionI was studying the jQuery source when I found this (v1.5 line 2295): namespace = new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + jQuery.map( namespaces.slice(0).sort(), …
javascript jquery type-conversion slice