Top "Type-conversion" questions

Type conversion is the way of implicitly or explicitly changing an entity of one data type into another.

How to convert .txt file to Hadoop's sequence file format

To effectively utilise map-reduce jobs in Hadoop, i need data to be stored in hadoop's sequence file format. However,currently …

java file hadoop type-conversion hive
Convert from uint8_t * to char * in C

I am programming in C using Atmel Studio (for those unfamiliar with this it is used to program to micro …

c casting char type-conversion uint8t
Conversion of the nvarchar value '3001822585' overflowed an int column

I use following to import Excel file to SQL Server. The Excel file has all the values as string. I …

sql sql-update type-conversion table-valued-parameters
Operator '==' cannot be applied to types x and y in Typescript 2

TypeScript Version: Code I know the code is a bit stupid, but I actually have these kind of tests in …

typescript type-conversion typescript2.0
What is better: int.TryParse or try { int.Parse() } catch

I know.. I know... Performance is not the main concern here, but just for curiosity, what is better? bool parsed = …

c# .net parsing type-conversion tryparse
How to convert int to Enum in python?

Using the new Enum feature (via backport enum34) with python 2.7.6. Given the following definition, how can I convert an int …

python python-2.7 enums int type-conversion
How to convert std::wstring to LPCTSTR in C++?

I have Windows registry key value in wstring format. Now I want to pass it to this code (first argument …

c++ string type-conversion wstring
Visual C++ 2010 -> Window Form. How to convert string to int?

Hey! I have textBox with text like "12:30" and this code textBox -> Text -> ToString() -> Split(…

c++-cli type-conversion int32
cannot implicitly convert type string to char

As I know char is different from string. I give datatype char to a column status in a table. I …

c# business-logic type-conversion