Top "Twisted" questions

Twisted is an event-driven networking engine, written in Python and implementing many different protocols.

Getting py2exe to work with zope.interface

I have a Python app based on Twisted and PyGTK. Twisted itself depends on zope.interface, and I don't import …

python pygtk twisted py2exe zope.interface
How to combine callLater and addCallback?

This is so broken, I hope you are merciful with me: reactor.callLater(0, myFunction, parameter1).addCallback(reactor.stop) …

python twisted
Need an example of a POP3 Server or IMAP Server written in Python

Experimenting with Application Messaging over email for Applications. I have already created my SMTP Server but now missing a centralised …

python twisted imap pop3
Twisted Installation Failed on Linux

I tried to install twisted on Linux from source code on my Linux sever. When I use this command setup.…

python twisted
Install Twisted in python failed with 'No such file'

I want use Twisted in Python, but when I installing ,in comes this error, how to handle it? .... running build_…

python linux twisted
How do you you run a Twisted application via Python (instead of via Twisted)?

I am working my way through learning Twisted, and have stumbled across something I'm not sure I'm terribly fond of …

python networking sockets twisted
Tornado/Twisted - Celery - Gevent Comparison

I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the differences between these three frameworks: Tornado/Twisted Celery Gevent These three frameworks …

python twisted celery tornado gevent
How does Python's Twisted Reactor work?

Recently, I've been diving into the Twisted docs. From what I gathered, the basis of Twisted's functionality is the result …

python twisted event-loop reactor
Mix Python Twisted with multiprocessing?

I need to write a proxy like program in Python, the work flow is very similar to a web proxy. …

python twisted multiprocessing
Scrapy crawl from script always blocks script execution after scraping

I am following this guide to run scrapy from my script. …

python twisted scrapy