Top "Tween" questions

Animation technique of frame interpolation between keyframes.

How to create custom easing function with Core Animation?

I am animating a CALayer along a CGPath (QuadCurve) quite nicely in iOS. But I'd like to use a more …

iphone cocoa-touch core-animation tween
Android Speedometer (Needle Gauge)

Creating a simple app that calculates the speed your going and displays it in a speedometer graphic. I can do …

android animation 2d tween
Android: tween animation of a bitmap

My app implements its own sprites by calling the following in my view's onDraw() method: canvas.drawBitmap(sprite.getBitmap(), sprite.…

android animation sprite tween
How to draw Three js line geometry with tween animation effect?

I am new to Three.js. I want to draw curves (based on some parametric equations) on 3D space, using …

javascript animation three.js tween
Move object along spline(circle) in Three.js

I'm pretty new to Three.js (1 day experience lol) I want to create a model of Solar system so I …

animation three.js tween spline requestanimationframe
Animating Color with Tweenjs

I've recently switched to EaselJs and would like to animate the color of a circle. The code I've got so …

javascript html canvas tween easeljs
Timeline Lite - how to simultaneously tween multiple objects

I am sequencing a number of tweens in Timeline lite, but I want a couple of them to happen to …

javascript animation tween gsap