In programming, tuples are simple *product types*, representing ordered collections of types.
I just began with Apache Storm. I read the tutorial and had a look into examples My problem is that …
java tuples apache-stormThis question is the opposite of this question. val x = Some((1, 2)) val (y: Option[Int], z: Option[Int]) = ??? Both pure …
scala tuples scala-optionShould I std::forward my function parameters when I use them as arguments to std::forward_as_tuple? template<…
c++ templates c++11 tuples perfect-forwardingThe Python language (especially 3.x) allows very general unpacking of iterables, a simple example of which is a, *rest = 1, 2, 3 Over …
python python-3.x return tuples iterable-unpackingIs it possible to do in this way (or maybe I need specific version of C#)? Function<int,int,…
c# tuples parameter-passing valuetuple