Using named tuples in select statements

gmn picture gmn · Aug 11, 2017 · Viewed 7.4k times · Source

Is there a nicer way to select a named tuple in C# 7 using a var target variable? I must be doing something wrong in example 1, or misunderstanding something completely. I seem to have to explicitly set the target type in order to do this.

//1. Fails to compile with "incorrect number of type parameters" issue.
var tuples = source.Select<(int A, int B)>(x => (x.A, x.B));

//2. Compiles
IEnumerable<(int A, int B)> tuples = toCheck.Select(x => (x.A, x.B));

//3. Compiles
var tuples = new HashSet<(int A, int B)>(source.Select(x => (x.A, x.B)));


Jon Skeet picture Jon Skeet · Aug 11, 2017

You can just use var, but you need to make sure the tuple elements are actually named.

In C# 7.0, you need to do this explicitly:

var tuples = source.Select(x => (A: x.A, B: x.B));
foreach (var tuple in tuples)
    Console.WriteLine($"{tuple.A} / {tuple.B}");

In C# 7.1, when the value in a tuple literal is obtained from a property or field, that identifier will implicitly be the element name, so you'll be able to write:

var tuples = source.Select(x => (x.A, x.B));
foreach (var tuple in tuples)
    Console.WriteLine($"{tuple.A} / {tuple.B}");

See the feature document for more details around compatibility etc.