In programming, tuples are simple *product types*, representing ordered collections of types.
Is there an easy way to convert a case class into a tuple? I can, of course, easily write boilerplate …
scala tuples case-classIn [55]: a = 5 In [56]: b = 6 In [57]: (a, b) = (b, a) In [58]: a Out[58]: 6 In [59]: b Out[59]: 5 How does this swapping of …
python tuples python-internals iterable-unpackingWhat is the difference between anonymous type and tuple?
c# c#-4.0 language-features anonymous-types tuplesI am not sure why strings and tuples were made to be immutable; what are the advantages and disadvantage of …
python string immutability tuplesIn Python I can write def myMethod(): #some work to find the row and col return (row, col) row, col = …
c# tuples iterable-unpacking decompositionA tuple takes less memory space in Python: >>> a = (1,2,3) >>> a.__sizeof__() 48 whereas lists takes …
python python-2.7 list tuples python-internals