Top "Tumblr" questions

Tumblr is a microblogging platform that allows users to post text, images, videos, links, quotes and audio to their tumblelog, a short-form blog.

Tumblr: How to hide Disqus comments on Pages?

As far as I am aware in Tumblr there is no {block:Pages} block, so anything we add to normal …

css tumblr
How to customize tumblr 404 URL not found page

It seems Tumblr does not provide a div tag to customize the look and feel of the 'url not found' …

html css tumblr
Posting to Tumblr with php & Tumblr API

I am trying to post messages automatically to my Tumblr Blog (which will run daily via Cron) I am using …

php api oauth cron tumblr
How can I modify the tumblr bookmarklet to post to a specific tumblr blog?

I have a couple blogs linked to my Tumblr account, but the bookmarklet always selects my "primary" blog (the first …

javascript blogs bookmarklet tumblr
What template language does Tumblr use?

Tumblr uses a very simple template language for it's themes: {block:Text} <li class="post text"> {block:Title} &…

templates themes template-engine tumblr
Start GIF On Mouse Hover and Pause Otherwise?

So I'm trying to have these images on the sidebar of a page I'm building that are static but when …

javascript html css tumblr animated-gif
How to bypass Tumblr's safe mode for RSS feeds

I use FeedDemon and I noticed that some Tumblr RSS feeds had stopped working recently. I thought it was random …

rss tumblr
Chrome extension: Could not load javascript file

I have posted another question regarding my Chrome extension here. But I have one more question about extensions themselves. I …

google-chrome-extension manifest tumblr
Tumblr API call or request limits

Anybody know if there is any API call limits per second, hour or day for Tumblr API? It seems to …

api tumblr
Tumblr sharer URL override

Tumblr has a sharer just like Facebook and Twitter, Tumblr's is: I believe that Tumblr's …
