Top "Try-catch-finally" questions

A common usage of catch and finally together is to obtain and use resources in a try block, deal with exceptional circumstances in a catch block, and release the resources in the finally block.

Behaviour of return statement in catch and finally

Please see the following code and explain the output behavior. public class MyFinalTest { public int doMethod(){ try{ throw new Exception(); } …

java try-catch-finally
Throw an exception in try catch block

try { if (isFileDownloaded) // do stuff else throw new CustomException() } catch (Exception e) { // something went wrong to save the error to …

c# exception try-catch-finally
'finally block does not complete normally' Eclipse warning

Eclipse give me that warning in the following code: public int getTicket(int lotteryId, String player) { try { c = DriverManager.getConnection("…

java try-catch-finally
Can we use "return" in finally block

Can we use return statement in finally block. Can this cause any problem?

java exception try-catch-finally finally
Try-catch-finally in java

In Java, will the finally block not get executed if we insert a return statement inside the try block of …

java try-catch try-catch-finally
Why use finally instead of code after catch

Why do this } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); } finally { cs.close(); rs.close(); } Instead of this } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.…

java try-catch-finally
Why does a return in `finally` override `try`?

How does a return statement inside a try/catch block work? function example() { try { return true; } finally { return false; } } I'm …

javascript return try-catch try-catch-finally try-finally
Throw exception from Called function to the Caller Function's Catch Block

internal static string ReadCSVFile(string filePath) { try { ... ... } catch(FileNotFoundException ex) { throw ex; } catch(Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { ... } } //Reading File …

c# exception try-catch-finally
Why use Finally in Try ... Catch

I see that the Finally in Try .. Catch will always execute after any parts of the execution of the try …

.net exception-handling try-catch-finally
IntelliJ IDE gives error when using Try-Catch with Resources

I am attempting to use JDK 7's "try-catch with resources" statement; IntelliJ highlights my resource line, saying Try-with-resources are not …

java intellij-idea try-catch try-catch-finally try-with-resources