Top "Try-catch-finally" questions

A common usage of catch and finally together is to obtain and use resources in a try block, deal with exceptional circumstances in a catch block, and release the resources in the finally block.

Can I use try-catch-finally like this?

I'm using try-catch for years, but I never learned how and when to use finally, because I never understood the …

php try-catch-finally
Does 'finally' always execute in Python?

For any possible try-finally block in Python, is it guaranteed that the finally block will always be executed? For example, …

python exception-handling try-catch-finally finally
how to use finally

I never properly understood the use of the finally statement. Can anyone tell me what the difference is between: try { …

java try-catch-finally
What are the circumstances under which a finally {} block will NOT execute?

In a Java try{} ... catch{} ... finally{} block, code within the finally{} is generally considered "guaranteed" to run regardless of what …

java jvm try-catch try-catch-finally
In a finally block, can I tell if an exception has been thrown

Possible Duplicate: Is it possible to detect if an exception occurred before I entered a finally block? I have a …

java exception try-catch-finally
If I return out of a try/finally block in C# does the code in the finally always run?

It seems like it does as per some initial testing, but what I'd like to know is if it is …

c# try-catch-finally
do I need to surround fileInputStream.close with a try/catch/finally block? How is it done?

I have the following Java Class that does one thing, fires out values from When it comes time …

java oop try-catch-finally
Close file in finally block doesn't work

try { FileReader fr = new FileReader(file); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String line = null; } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) { fnf.printStackTrace(); } finally { …

java try-catch-finally
Is a finally block without a catch block a java anti-pattern?

I just had a pretty painful troubleshooting experience in troubleshooting some code that looked like this: try { doSomeStuff() doMore() } finally { …

c# java c++ exception try-catch-finally
Throw Exception VS Return Error within a Try,Catch,Finally

I'm pretty sure I already know the answer, but I'm still curious what the opinion is on handling an error …

exception try-catch try-catch-finally