Top "True-type-fonts" questions

TrueType fonts are the major scalable font format designed by Apple.

How can I extract embedded fonts from a PDF as valid font files?

I'm aware of the pdftk.exe utility that can indicate which fonts are used by a PDF, and wether they …

pdf fonts ghostscript true-type-fonts embedded-fonts
Which font is used in MS-DOS?

Does anyone know which is the font that the Windows console/MS-DOS uses?

fonts font-face true-type-fonts windows-console
How do I embed a custom website font in ttf format for all browsers?

On my website I'm using a custom font which I have uploaded. It seems to be choosing when to work …

css fonts font-face true-type-fonts
Way to reduce size of .ttf fonts?

Is there any way to reduce the size of the .ttf fonts? i.e. if we want to remove some …

fonts filesize true-type-fonts
What is the status of TTF support in Internet Explorer?

I'm trying to determine the status of support for the TTF font format on Internet Explorer. (I don't have any …

internet-explorer fonts font-face webfonts true-type-fonts
Using custom font in a UIWebView

I would like to display a custom font inside a UIWebView. I have already put the font in the plist …

ios uiwebview fonts true-type-fonts
TrueType Fonts in libGDX

Does anyone know how I can use a TTF font in libGDX? I have looked around and have seen things …

java android fonts true-type-fonts libgdx
Finding out what characters a given font supports

How do I extract the list of supported Unicode characters from a TrueType or embedded OpenType font on Linux? Is …

linux fonts opentype true-type-fonts
How to render fonts and text with SDL2 efficiently?

Saw this post here about using SDL_ttf to render text in a game. However that approach requires calling SDL_…

fonts sdl sdl-2 true-type-fonts sdl-ttf
PHP: How to read "Title" of font from .ttf file?

I really need to be able to extract the metadata from a .ttf true type font file. I'm building a …

php fonts gd true-type-fonts