Top "Tree-traversal" questions

The process of visiting each node in a tree based on certain criterion.

Strategy to implement tree traversing algorithm in parallel?

I have implemented an iterative algorithm, where each iteration involves a pre-order tree traversal (sometimes called downwards accumulation) followed by …

design-patterns tree parallel-processing algorithm tree-traversal
Tree traversal algorithm for directory structures with a lot of files

When recursively traversing through a directory structure, what is the most efficient algorithm to use if you have more files …

algorithm tree-traversal
Real world pre/post-order tree traversal examples

I understand pre-order, in-order, and post-order tree traversal algorithms just fine. (Reference). I understand a few uses: in-order for traversing …

algorithm binary-tree tree-traversal postorder
beautiful soup get children that are Tags (not Navigable Strings) from a Tag

Beautiful soup documentation provides attributes .contents and .children to access the children of a given tag (a list and an …

python beautifulsoup tree-traversal
How to do a Level Order Traversal?

I'm trying to do a linear order traversal on a binary tree but having trouble getting the correct output. Basically …

java tree-traversal
How to convert a tree structure to a Stream of nodes in java

I want to convert a tree in a Java8 stream of nodes. Here is a tree of nodes storing data …

tree-traversal java-stream