Top "Touchesbegan" questions

Use this tag for questions related to touchesBegan:withEvent, a UIResponder event-handling method in the UIKit framework and MonoTouch.

How to detect touchesBegan, touchesMoved, touchesEnded events from another class

I need to use touch events but i am trying to detect it from another class, so i will call …

ios objective-c touchesbegan touchesmoved touch-event
touchesBegan not called in UIView subclass

I know there already are some questions about this but I couldn't find a solution. There is a very simple …

ios swift touchesbegan
Subclass UIScrollView in Swift for touches Began & touches Moved

I'm using Swift 1.2 I'm trying to use this UIScrollview touchesbegan,touchesmoved,touchesended actions and the link in the 2nd comment …

swift uiscrollview touchesbegan
How can I shorten the time "delayTouchesBegan" delays touchesBegan?

In one of my view controllers I have several views that contain a UITapGestureRecognizer, along with an implementation of touchesBegan. …

ios iphone objective-c uitapgesturerecognizer touchesbegan
How to detect touch on UIImageView inside UIScrollview?

I have a UIScrollview in my app and I populate it with LOTS of UIImageViews approx 900. They are all very …

iphone objective-c uiscrollview uiimageview touchesbegan
Touch and drag a UIButton around, but don't trigger it when releasing the finger

I'm trying to allow some UIButton instances on one of my views to be touched and dragged around the screen (…

ios objective-c uitouch touchesbegan
Touchesbegan not detecting what is being touched

I'm building a rotating banner using a NSTimer to keep track of the current image with the image being animated …

iphone ios touch imageview touchesbegan