Top "Tornado-motor" questions

Motor is a non-blocking MongoDB driver for Python Tornado applications.

MongoDB return True if document exists

I want to return true if a userID already exists and false otherwise from my collection.I have this function …

python mongodb pymongo tornado-motor
How to hide _id from Aggregation?

I've this query: produits = yield motor.Op(db.users.aggregate, [{"$unwind":"$pup"},{"$match":{"":nomp}}, {"$group":{"_id":"$pup.…

mongodb pymongo motordriver tornado-motor
RuntimeError: Task attached to a different loop

Hi I'm using AsyncIOMotorClient for asynchronous db calls to mongoDb. Below is my code. async def insertMany(self,…

mongodb python-asyncio tornado-motor
MongoDb with FastAPI

I am playing around with FastAPI a bit and wanted to connect it to a MongoDB database. I however am …

mongodb mongoengine tornado-motor fastapi motorengine