Top "Mongoengine" questions

MongoEngine is a Document-Object Mapper (think ORM, but for document databases) for working with MongoDB from Python.

Flask throwing 'working outside of request context' when starting sub thread

I am trying to start a new thread in Python inside of a Flask application. I am doing background work …

python flask mongoengine
Convert mongodb return object to dictionary

I'm using the bottle framework together with mongoengine. I have an orders model : class OrderDetail(Option): orderDetailsQty = FloatField() def to_…

python mongodb python-2.7 bottle mongoengine
Sort using MongoEngine?

How do I sort the query objects in MongoEngine, like I would in a regular mongodb query? http://www.mongodb.…

mongodb mongoengine
How to delete document from MongoDB using Mongoengine?

How to delete document from MongoDB using Mongoengine? I'veread the API reference here: but …

mongodb mongoengine
PyMongo vs MongoEngine for Django

For one of my projects I prefered using Django+Mongo. Why should I use MongoEngine, but not just PyMongo? What …

python django mongodb pymongo mongoengine
find() and findOne() in mongoengine

How can I do a quick find() or findOne() with mongoengine, I already have this but it does not seems …

mongodb mongoengine
How to search document by oid in mongoengine

I need get documents from db by oid, like: Docs.objects(_id='4f4381f4e779897a2c000009') But …

python mongodb mongoengine
Mongoengine creation_time attribute in Document

I am trying to add a creation_time attribute to my documents. The following would be an example: import datetime …

python django orm mongodb mongoengine
How to do "insert if not exist else update" with mongoengine?

I'm working with mongoengine in Django, this is my document defination: class Location(mongoengine.Document): user_id = mongoengine.IntField(required=…

python django mongodb mongoengine
multi document insert using mongoengine into mongodb

In my flask app I am using MongoeEgine. I am trying to insert multiple documents into my places collection in …

python mongodb flask mongoengine