Top "Mongoengine" questions

MongoEngine is a Document-Object Mapper (think ORM, but for document databases) for working with MongoDB from Python.

Mongoengine: ConnectionError: You have not defined a default connection

In my new Django project I set up a MongoDb database and use mongoengine module but I can't properly access …

python django mongodb mongoengine
Django - Auth with mongoengine DB

I want to handle authentications in my Django project with my mongoengine db. I tried a few examples about this …

python django authentication django-models mongoengine
Adding and updating ListField with Mongoengine

Using Mongoengine and trying to form a tag cloud. To each item I would like to attach one or more …

mongoengine listfield
MongoDB using an OR clause in mongoengine

I'm using python's mongoengine to query MongoDB, and have loved it for the most part, but I'm having an issue …

python mongodb mongoengine
How to query for distinct results in mongodb with python?

I have a mongo collection with multiple documents, suppose the following (assume Tom had two teachers for History in 2012 for …

python mongodb mongoengine
Using MongoEngine Document class methods for custom validation and pre-save hooks

I am currently exploring the possibilities of the MongoEngine "object document mapper". What is currently not clear to me is …

python validation mongodb mongoengine
mongoengine reference field query

I'm building a reservation site for a restaurant using flask framework and mongoengine. My main object is to fetch all …

python json mongodb mongoengine
OperationFailure: not authorized on tracking to execute command

I did the following -- `sudo apt-get install mongodb-org` -- go to `etc/mongod.conf` change bindIp to: `` -- sudo …

mongodb mongoengine
How to get ReferenceField data in mongoengine?

I'm have a problem that query set retrieving oid in json, and I would like to retrieve actual username of …

python mongodb mongoengine
Update a MongoEngine document using a python dict?

Is it possible to update a MongoEngine document using a python dict? For example: class Pets(EmbeddedDocument): name = StringField() class …

python mongodb mongoengine