Top "Toolstripbutton" questions

How to change System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton highlight/background color when checked?

I have a ToolStripButton that is used as a radio button. When it is checked, a blue outline surrounds the …

c# .net c#-2.0 toolstripbutton
How do I add a ContextMenuStrip to a ToolStripButton?

I have a toolstrip containing, among other things, a ToolStripComboBox and a ToolStripButton. I want to add a ContextMenuStrip to …

c# winforms contextmenustrip toolstripbutton
Is there a WPF equivalent for ToolStripButton?

I'm learning WPF and have been trying to create a toolstrip. Is there a direct equivalent of the WinForms ToolStripButton …

wpf toolstrip toolstripbutton
How to customize toolstrip button highlight color on mouse over

I use a ToolStrip in a C# winform application. As I move the mouse over a button it gets highlighted (…

c# winforms customization toolstripbutton
How to change the back color of tool strip split button in windows form c#

How to change the back color of the tool strip split button in windows forms application. Back color property not …

c# winforms toolstripbutton