I need to convert linq query result to list. I tried the following code: var qry = from a in obj.…
linq tolistI have a dataframe like this: This dataframe has several columns. Two are of type float: price and change, while …
python pandas tolistI have an ordering query to a List and calling for many times. list = list.OrderBy().ToList(); In this code …
c# performance sql-order-by linq-to-objects tolistI am trying to use SilverlightPhoneDatabase to use a sqlite db for my Windows Phone 7 application. The dll has a …
c# windows-phone-7 tolistI really don't understand this T thing yet. I need to convert below result to List private void generateKeywords_Click(…
c# linq ienumerable tolistFunction need to return Task<List<Record>> Following both options are returning Task<List<…
c# async-await entity-framework-core tolist iasyncenumerable