I am having trouble converting a df column into a tuple that I can iterate through. I started with a simple code that works like this:
set= 'pare-10040137', 'pare-10034330', 'pare-00022936', 'pare-10025987', 'pare-10036617'
for i in set:
This works fine, but now I want my set to come from a df. The df looks like this:
4825 pare-00023728
4826 pare-00023773
.... ..............
I want all of those REQ_NUM
values thrown into a tuple, so I tried to do open_reqs.apply(tuple, axis=1)
and tuple(zip(open_reqs.columns,open_reqs.T.values.tolist()))
but it's not able to iterate through either of these.
My old set looks like this, so this is the format I need to match to iterate through like I was before. I'm not sure if the Unicode
is also an issue (when I print above I get (u'pare-10052173',)
In[236]: set
So basically I need the magic code to get a nice simple set like that from the REQ_NUM column of my open_reqs table. Thank you!
The following statement makes a list out of the specified column and then converts it to an array of tuple
open_req_list = tuple(list(open_reqs['REQ_NUM']))