Top "Token" questions

A token is a string of characters, categorized according to the rules as a symbol (e.g., IDENTIFIER, NUMBER, COMMA).

Best way to split strings into an array

I'm developing a travel app, I have to read a txt file that contains all the states and countries, as …

arrays nsstring split token nsscanner
strtok() issue: If tokens are delimited by delimiters,why is last token between a delimiter and the null '\0'?

In the following program, strtok() works as expected in the major part but I just can't comprehend the reason behind …

c token delimiter strtok
Implementing OAuth provider in Java

What is the fastest/easiest way to get an OAuth provider running in Java? Specifically, I need to authorize third-party …

java authentication oauth token
What is the exact definition of "Token?"

I have problem to catch the real meaning of the term 'Token.' In terms of software development, can you …

c# .net token
Owin Bearer Token Authentication + Authorize controller

I'm trying to do authentication with Bearer tokens and owin. I can issue the token fine using the grant type …

c# authentication token owin
Firebase 3.x - Token / Session Expiration

Does anyone know how long would it take for the token to expire? There no option now to set the …

session firebase token firebase-authentication
Iphone device token - NSData or NSString

I am receiving iPhone device token in the form of NSData object. When I tested my notifications script function, I …

iphone device-driver token
Is setting Roles in JWT a best practice?

I am considering to use JWT. In the example I am seeing the following information in the payload …

api jwt token roles
django rest framework - token authentication logout

I have implemented the Token Authentication according to the django rest framework Docs. Form what I read, the Token Authentication …

login django-rest-framework token logout http-token-authentication
how to get an openstack token and validate it?

I followed this guide: and it seemed that I got a valid …

token identity openstack