Top "Timer-jobs" questions

Timer Jobs are recurring background processes that are managed by a Scheduler.

'Activate feature' step error :Object Reference not set to an instance of an object

I created a custom timer job and implemented it through a feature event in sharepoint. when i tried to activate …

sharepoint sharepoint-2007 timer-jobs stsadm
What account to use for SharePoint 2010 Timer Job

what account do you run the SharePoint 2010 Timer Job service under? Do you use the farm account or a separate …

sharepoint sharepoint-2010 administration account timer-jobs
How do you instruct a SharePoint Farm to run a Timer Job on a specific server?

We have an SP timer job that was running fine for quite a while. Recently the admins enlisted another server …

sharepoint moss wss timer-jobs
ARJUNA016053: Could not commit transaction - JavaEE6 Timer

We have a timer that triggers a job and do some import / export processing. But on commit we open encounter …

transactions java-ee-6 entitymanager timer-jobs
Unable to debug a custom timer job in sharepoint

I tried the following steps in order to debug a particular custom timer ( installed and activated): Copied the both .dll …

visual-studio debugging sharepoint sharepoint-2007 timer-jobs
run a Java program in specific time

i need help to run my Java program on the server at a specific time like 2 pm (to index the …

java time runtime timer-jobs
Problem in creating Timer Job

I have created a site collection inside a web application with user A as a site collection adminstrator. I have …

sharepoint moss scheduled-tasks timer-jobs access-denied
Scope of a timer job feature

I am writing a timer job for the first time. I am following the examples that can be obtained by …

sharepoint moss sharepoint-2007 timer-jobs
Sharepoint Timer Job - Which server does the job execute on?

If I install a (timer job) feature to a Sharepoint front end server within a farm, which server executes the …

sharepoint timer-jobs