Top "Tiles2" questions

Apache Tiles™ is a Java templating framework built to simplify the development of web application user interfaces.

Spring NestedServletException: Request processing failed exception is tiles CannotRenderException: ServletException including path

I am new to Spring, I am using SPRING 3.0.4 REST MVC with tiles 2.2.2, My question is very clear, when I …

java spring spring-mvc tiles2
JavaScript with Spring MVC doesn't work

I downloaded login template which uses css and JavaScript. When I start it in default html format it displays ok, …

javascript web-applications spring-mvc tiles2
HTML Multiple Heads

NOTE: I am in no way advocating multiple heads within a page I'm using Apache Tiles and I have a …

javascript html css cross-browser tiles2
struts 2 tiles NoSuchDefinitionException

I am getting this exception when using struts 2 with tiles org.apache.tiles.definition.NoSuchDefinitionException: /index.jsp //tiles.xml <…

exception struts2 tiles2
Integrating Spring Webflow 2 and Apache Tiles

I've recently started upgrading some applications to use Spring Webflow 2, and I want to make use of the new Ajax …

spring tiles spring-webflow tiles2
Setting page title dynamically with tiles2 and spring mvc

I've been asking myself this question for quite some time and I haven't found a nice solution for this on …

model-view-controller spring title tiles tiles2
struts 2, tiles 2 dynamic title

I am using tiles 2.0.6 as my template framework together with struts 2.1.6. I am writing a simple cms page and want …

jsp struts2 ognl tiles2
Propagating a Tiles attribute down the include chain

I'm using Tiles and I'd like an attribute defined for a page to be readable inside of one of the …

jsp tiles2
How to display images in a jsp file in Spring MVC

I am very new to spring. I am using spring 3.29 version, tomcat 7. I need to display an image in .jsp …

spring jsp spring-mvc tiles2
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: when using <security:authorize > tag

I'm using Spring Security for the first time with Spring MVC and Tiles. Everything is Ok about authentication using users/…

spring-mvc spring-security tiles2