Using tikz to draw graph with multiple edges between each other

Qrious picture Qrious · Jul 21, 2011 · Viewed 8.8k times · Source

I am trying to draw a (undirected) graph using the Tikz package, such that there exist multiple edges between some nodes in the graph. Is it possible to do such a thing? I tried the following code to try and get atleast two edges between the nodes, but to no avail:

[scale=.8,auto=left,every node/.style={circle,fill=blue!20}]
\node (nA) at (1,10) {A};
\node (nB) at (9,10) {B};
\node (nC) at (5,8)  {C};
\node (nD) at (5,6)  {D};

\foreach \from/\to in {nA/nC,nA/nD,nC/nB,nD/nB,nC/nA,nD/nA,nB/nD,nB/nC}
\draw (\from)--(\to);

Could someone help me out with this? Thanks!


yanto picture yanto · Aug 7, 2011

How about replace the

\draw (\from)--(\to);


\path (\from) edge [bend left] (\to);