Top "Tidyverse" questions

DO NOT USE if your question relates to one or two components of the tidyverse, such as dplyr or ggplot2.

installation of package had non-zero exit status

I've just updated R to version 3.6.2 "dark and stormy night" released December 12th last year. I've tried installing the following …

r rstudio tidyverse broom
tidyverse not loaded, it says "namespace ‘vctrs’ 0.2.0 is already loaded, but >= 0.2.1 is required"

I keep encountering problems with installing tidyverse package, which preventing me from implementing many text processing tasks. The problem is …

r tidyverse devtools vctrs
How does ggplot scale_continuous expand argument work?

I am trying to figure out how scale_continuous() expand argument works. According to scale_continuous documentation: A numeric vector …

r ggplot2 tidyverse
Why is one_of() called that?

Why is dplyr::one_of() called that? All the other select_helpers names make sense to me, so I'm wondering …

r naming tidyverse
Filter by multiple patterns with filter() and str_detect()

I would like to filter a dataframe using filter() and str_detect() matching for multiple patterns without multiple str_detect() …

r stringr tidyverse stringi
What is the difference between as.tibble(), as_data_frame(), and tbl_df()?

I remember reading somewhere that as.tibble() is an alias for as_data_frame(), but I don't know what exactly …

r dplyr terminology tidyverse tibble
Removing stop words with tidytext

Using tidytext, I have this code: data(stop_words) tidy_documents <- tidy_documents %>% anti_join(stop_words) …

r dplyr tidyverse tidytext
Having trouble viewing more than 10 rows in a tibble

First off - I am a beginner at programming and R, so excuse me if this is a silly question. …

r dplyr tidyverse tibble tidytext
mutate with case_when and contains

I feel like there should be an efficient way to mutate new columns with dplyr using case_when and contains, …

r dplyr tidyverse
Removing suffix from column names using rename_all?

I have a data frame with a number of columns in a form var1.mean, var2.mean. I would like …

r tidyverse