Top "Tidytext" questions

The tidytext package provides tools for text mining using tidy data principles in R.

ggplot 'non-finite values' error

I have an R dataframe (df) that looks like this: blogger; word; n; total joe; dorothy; 17; 718 paul; sheriff; 10; 354 joe; gray; 9; 718 …

r ggplot2 tidyverse tidytext
R: Error in UseMethod("tbl_vars")

So I'm running the code below in R Studio and getting this error: Error in UseMethod("tbl_vars") : no applicable …

r loops dplyr tidytext
Removing stop words with tidytext

Using tidytext, I have this code: data(stop_words) tidy_documents <- tidy_documents %>% anti_join(stop_words) …

r dplyr tidyverse tidytext
Having trouble viewing more than 10 rows in a tibble

First off - I am a beginner at programming and R, so excuse me if this is a silly question. …

r dplyr tidyverse tibble tidytext
Web scraping pdf files from HTML

How can I scrap the pdf documents from HTML? I am using R and I can do only extract the …

r text web-scraping tidytext
Error in check_input(x) : Input must be a character vector of any length or a list of character vectors, each of which has a length of 1

Using the tidytext package, I want to transform my tibble into a one-token-per-document-per-row. I transformed the text column of my …

r tidytext
Numbers of columns of arguments do not match

I am using this example to conduct sentiment analysis of a collection of txt documents in R. The code is: …

r tidyverse sentiment-analysis tidytext