Text View is an UI element that allows users to view and/or modify the displayed text.
We can set error in Edittext successfully but failed to set in textview. is there any problem?? i tried ((TextView) …
android error-handling popup textviewI need to make something like this according to Android screen bound, S M T W T F S I …
android textview spaceI'm trying to change the background of a textview when clicked. For instance, if the textview is click it the …
android textview android-backgroundI have a scrollview containing a textview in an Android app. This textview will have text appended to it continuously …
android textview scrollview autoscrollI use new autosize feature added in support library 26. I read a documentation which can be found here : https://developer.…
android textview android-support-library autosize android-8.0-oreoDoes anyone have a simple example of a ListActivity displaying Textviews in a column and when you swipe left to …
android list textview listactivity swipeI have Spinner like this : <Spinner android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/…
android drop-down-menu textview android-spinner android-checkboxI'm adding line spacing in my textview which spans multiple lines. What's the difference between android:lineSpacingExtra and android:lineSpacingMultiplier? …
android textview line-spacing