Top "Android-background" questions

Determining the current foreground application from a background task or service

I wish to have one application that runs in the background, which knows when any of the built-in applications (messaging, …

android android-service android-background
Scale image keeping its aspect ratio in background drawable

How do I make a background image fit the view but keep its aspect ratio when using <bitmap /> …

android scaling android-drawable android-bitmap android-background
Changing TextView background color on click android

I'm trying to change the background of a textview when clicked. For instance, if the textview is click it the …

android textview android-background
Using ImageView as background for an Android Layout

I want to take advantage of the scaleType property, which I cannot use if I set my image using the …

android android-layout android-imageview android-xml android-background
way to Ignore ssl certificate using HttpsURLConnection

I use two approaches to try to consumes HTTPS URL: The old deprecated and return response with the right values. …

java android url android-background
How can I convert String to Drawable

I have many icon in drawable folder and I have their name as String. How can I access to drawable …

android android-drawable android-background
Error: The file name must end with .xml or .png

Even though I didn't choose photothumb.db as a drawable, I get an error saying photothumb.db should end with .…

android android-drawable android-image android-background
Background execution not allowed receiving intent BOOT_COMPLETED

I've read about Android Oreo background execution limitations, and it clearly states that BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast is unaffected, but I …

android broadcastreceiver android-8.0-oreo android-background
Android - State Selector Animations - Only animate de-press, NOT press

I have a very basic selector that I am using as the background for some buttons to achieve down states. …

android android-animation android-button android-selector android-background
View with Solid Background and Top+Bottom Inner Shadows

Essentially, I am trying to create the following background: The traditional gradient which use in the drawable that I use …

android android-xml android-background