View with Solid Background and Top+Bottom Inner Shadows

Dzhuneyt picture Dzhuneyt · Dec 7, 2013 · Viewed 16.9k times · Source

Essentially, I am trying to create the following background: enter image description here

The traditional gradient which use in the drawable that I use for background only supports start color, middle color and end color.

However, as you can see from the mockup, I am trying to create only a slight overlay/shadow at the top and bottom of the shape, with a #50000000 color (black with 50% opacity).


Joel Fernandes picture Joel Fernandes · Dec 7, 2013

If you're using this inside a Layout view, then you can simply create a View with a gradient background and place it in the beginning and in the end of the Layout.

For example:


                android:background="@drawable/gradient" />

<!-- Your other child views -->

                android:background="@drawable/gradient" />


And your gradient.xml file will have this:

<shape xmlns:android="">
   <gradient android:startColor="#FFFFFF" android:endColor="#000000" android:angle="90"/>

You can specify the blue background color to the parent layout.

You'll essentially get something like this:

enter image description here


You can create two drawables - gradient_top.xml and gradient_bottom.xml to get the angle right