Top "Textmate2" questions

Latest version of Textmate which is now open sourced on Github.

Shortcut key to auto complete HTML structure

I am looking for the shortcut keys that I should use to autocomplete the structure of the HTML. So for …

html textmate textmate2
How can I show dotfiles in Textmate 2?

I recently upgraded to Textmate 2 and now my dotfiles are not showing up in the file browser. Obviously, this is …

text-editor textmate2 dotfiles
How can I change a theme to set a background color to the current line in TextMate 2?

In TextMate 1, we could use the Preferences dialog for this. In TextMate 2, at least at this point, I gather we …

themes textmate2
Error running osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to reload bundles'

I'm trying to install Cucumber bundle for TextMate2. I followed the following instructions from the official page…

bash cucumber textmate textmatebundles textmate2