Top "Dotfiles" questions

A dot-file is generally any file whose name begins with a full stop.

How can I grep hidden files?

I am searching through a Git repository and would like to include the .git folder. grep does not include this …

grep hidden-files dotfiles
How to show hidden files (dotfiles) with windows powershell

When I have hidden files, like dotfiles or a .git directory: How can I list those files and directories in …

windows powershell dotfiles
Is there a .mocha file where I can specify defaults such as --no-colors?

I'd like to set some defaults for mocha without having to type them each time. Does mocha look for a …

node.js configuration config mocha dotfiles
What is a .un~ file or or why does Vim in the Terminal make the .un~ file?

I've noticed I have some dotfiles that end with .un~, for example I have a .vividchalk.vim.un~, but I'm …

vim terminal dotfiles
free visual editor for graph (dot) files

Is there a free (as in "cheers"), linux-compatible, interactive visual editor for graphviz or other graphs? aptitude seems to be …

editor graph graphviz dotfiles
Should I use quotes in environment path names?

I'm in the process of cleaning up all my config files in an attempt to make them as readable as …

bash shell dotfiles
Why does .lesshst keep showing up in my ~

I never use less, and have always used more. It is what I was introduced to, which is probably why …

Adding your .vim ~/.vimrc to github (aka dot files)

I have seen a few people that have git repos with their dot files. I'm wondering if they just cd ~/ …

git vim dotfiles
How to use Github to manage dotfiles?

I stored my dotfiles in github, with lots pains, because of no automation. I have to update it myself. Is …

github dotfiles
How can I show dotfiles in Textmate 2?

I recently upgraded to Textmate 2 and now my dotfiles are not showing up in the file browser. Obviously, this is …

text-editor textmate2 dotfiles