Top "Textbox" questions

A textbox is a graphical user interface element which allows for simple input text, usually only a single line of text.

How do you use if (IsPostBack) in ASP.NET C#

How can I used if (IsPostBack){} to display user's names from two text boxes into another text box? I have 3 …

c# textbox ispostback
AutoPostback with TextBox loses focus

A TextBox is set to AutoPostback as changing the value should cause a number of (display-only) fields to be recalculated … textbox focus autopostback
How can I show scrollbars on a System.Windows.Forms.TextBox only when the text doesn't fit?

For a System.Windows.Forms.TextBox with Multiline=True, I'd like to only show the scrollbars when the text doesn't …

winforms textbox scrollbar
WPF TextBox.Text with MultiBinding

I've got Custom Control with a TextBox in the default Template. The Custom Control has these 2 dependency properties (among others): …

wpf textbox triggers controltemplate multitrigger
ASP:TextBox Value disappears in postback only when password

I have an textbox like this: <asp:TextBox ID="PINPad" runat="server" Columns="6" MaxLength="4" CssClass="PINTextClass">&… textbox postback passwords
How to show characters for a few seconds in a WPF password box?

If the user enters 1985 in the password box, four bullets (●●●●) will be shown. How can I show each letter or …

wpf textbox delay passwordbox
Keep focus on textbox after pressing enter

How can I keep the focus in a textbox after pressing enter in a VBA form? This code adds the …

vba textbox keydown enter
How to set autofocus only in xaml?

Is it possible, to set the autofocus to the textbox in my xaml file? <Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Views.…

wpf xaml textbox autofocus
How can I format a decimal bound to TextBox without angering my users?

I'm trying to display a formatted decimal in a TextBox using data binding in WPF. Goals Goal 1: When setting a …

wpf textbox decimal string-formatting
TextBox Caret Styling

I've found a few things on setting CaretBrushes in WPF4, but has anybody actually ever changed the caret itself? What …

wpf textbox styles caret