Top "Passwordbox" questions

A built-in control in .NET framework class library (FCL) for taking password input.

C# how to get text value from PasswordBox?

I have a PasswordBox. how can I get the input value from the PasswordBox after the input has been finished?

c# wpf-controls passwordbox
Textbox using textmode password not showing text c#

I have a few buttons on a web form, and when the user clicks them they will update the the … c#-4.0 text textbox passwordbox
WPF Watermark PasswordBox from Watermark TextBox

I am using a Watermark textbox as in Watermark TextBox in WPF <Grid Grid.Row="0" Background="{StaticResource brushWatermarkBackground}" Style="{…

wpf watermark passwordbox
PasswordBox Binding

I'm just getting started with M-V-VM and WPF and having issues understanding some binding issues. I have a login page …

wpf mvvm binding passwordbox
PasswordBox and MVVM

We have the following scenario: MVVM userinterface where a user can place his password (actually a PasswordBox) Server that shall …

c# wpf security mvvm passwordbox
WPF textbox with image

I'm doing a WPF login interface. In my login panel, I have one login TextBox and a PasswordBox. As what …

wpf image xaml textbox passwordbox
How to show characters for a few seconds in a WPF password box?

If the user enters 1985 in the password box, four bullets (●●●●) will be shown. How can I show each letter or …

wpf textbox delay passwordbox
C# / WPF Unmask password inside the passwordBox

How could I unmasked and masked the password inside the passwordBox whenever I click the checkBox? I'm using C# WPF …

c# wpf checkbox passwords passwordbox
C# - compare two SecureStrings for equality

I have a WPF application with two PasswordBoxes, one for the password and another for the password to be entered …

c# passwords equals securestring passwordbox
PasswordBox with MVVM

Hi people stackoverflow. I'm working with MVVM, I have ViewModel call UserViewModel with a Property Password. In the View have …

wpf mvvm passwordbox