Top "Text-files" questions

Open in Notepad, WordPad, or many other programs designated as text editors.

Create a .txt file if doesn't exist, and if it does append a new line

I would like to create a .txt file and write to it, and if the file already exists I just …

c# text-files
Tools to search for strings inside files without indexing

I have to change some connection strings in an incredibly old legacy application, and the programmers who made it thought …

search full-text-search text-files
How to add new line into txt file

I'd like to add new line with text to my date.txt file, but instead of adding it into existing …

c# winforms stream text-files
Split text file into smaller multiple text file using command line

I have multiple text file with about 100,000 lines and I want to split them into smaller text files of 5000 lines …

batch-file split command cygwin text-files
Determine the number of lines within a text file

Is there an easy way to programmatically determine the number of lines within a text file?

c# input text-files
How to import data from text file to mysql database

I have a 350MB file named text_file.txt containing this tab delimited data: 345868230 1646198120 1531283146 Keyword_1531283146 1.55 252910000 745345566 1646198120 1539847239 another_1531276364 2.75 987831000 ... MySQL Database name: Xml_…

mysql import text-files
Read each line of txt file to new array element

I am trying to read every line of a text file into an array and have each line in a …

php arrays text-files fgets
Best Free Text Editor Supporting *More Than* 4GB Files?

I am looking for a text editor that will be able to load a 4+ Gigabyte file into it. Textpad doesn't …

editor text-editor text-files large-files
How to determine the encoding of text?

I received some text that is encoded, but I don't know what charset was used. Is there a way to …

python encoding text-files
Why should text files end with a newline?

I assume everyone here is familiar with the adage that all text files should end with a newline. I've known …

file unix text-files newline