I have a 350MB file named text_file.txt
containing this tab delimited data:
345868230 1646198120 1531283146 Keyword_1531283146 1.55 252910000
745345566 1646198120 1539847239 another_1531276364 2.75 987831000
MySQL Database name: Xml_Date
Database table: PerformanceReport
I have already created the table with all the destination fields.
I want to import this text file data into a MySQL. I googled and found some commands like LOAD DATA INFILE
and quite confused on how to use it.
How can I import this text file data?
It should be as simple as...
LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/mydata.txt' INTO TABLE PerformanceReport;
uses tab delimited, one row per line, so should take it in just fine.