Top "Testng" questions

TestNG is a testing framework focused on providing both unit and functional testing abilities in the Java programming language.

TestNG non static data provider method not working

I have a test class and test method. This depends on data provider method. The data provider method is in …

java testng testng-dataprovider testng-eclipse
ReportNG does not provide any report

I heard that ReportNG creates a better report than TestNG's normal report. I tried to create ReportNG report, but failed. …

selenium report automated-tests testng reportng
What is the actual difference between assertEquals() vs assertTrue() in TestNG?

I'm confusing about both these methods, because both can do the same thing, like below snippet of my code. Using …

Is there a way to get method meta data when using @BeforeMethod in TestNG?

I am using TestNG and have a suite of tests. I want to perform an action before every test method …

java unit-testing testng
Selenium chromeDriver open extremely slower than open a website in chrome browser directly

I met a disgusting issue regarding the speed of Selenium Webdriver when opening a website. The website which I am …

java selenium selenium-webdriver testng page-load-time
How to only output one Pass/Fail result when test is rerun?

I'm using the IRetryAnalyzer class in TestNG in order to relaunch tests that fail (up to 5 attempts). Right now if …

java unit-testing testng reportng
Assertion error (TestNG) catching issue using java

please find the code Test(dataProvider = "User_login") public void StatusForm_Verification(String uname, String pwd) throws InterruptedException { try { NavigateToLogin(); …

java selenium-webdriver testng testlink
How to include and exclude scenarios from test execution in JBehave?

I have some stories. Every story has some scenarios. Example: Story 1. Scenario 1. Scenario 2. Scenario 3. Story 2. Scenario 1. Scenario 2. TestNG has suite.…

java selenium testng jbehave thucydides
Running Parallel Tests using Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid and testNG

This is my very first post here in SO; I am a newbie Selenium User with beginner skill in Java. …

java selenium testng remotewebdriver selenium-grid2
DbUnit fails to clean-insert: foreign key constraint

I'm asking and answering this question for future reference, because I think I've found a decent solution to a common …

java mysql jpa testng dbunit