Top "Testbed" questions

A testbed is a platform for experimentation of large development projects.

Is there any way to test PHP locally without installing a server?

I'm looking for something like, but completely local. I don't want to commit to installing something as …

php local testbed
Unit testing angular 5 component with @ViewChild

I am using angular 5.2.0. I have a child component import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: `<div>&…

angular unit-testing viewchild testbed
Angular 4 - Failed: Can't resolve all parameters for ActivatedRoute: (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)

I have referred the following link to get the answers, but I couldn't find any working solution for my scenario. …

angular unit-testing karma-jasmine router testbed
How override Provider in Angular 5 for only one test?

In one of my unit test files, I have to mock several times the same service with different mocks. import { …

testing mocking angular5 provider testbed
What is the difference between testbed.get and inject in Angular 2/Jasmine testing?

I am new to Angular 2 testing. I am trying to figure out what is the difference in using testsbed.get() …

angular jasmine testbed
Angular 2: How to mock ChangeDetectorRef while unit testing

I have just started with Unit-Testing, and I have been able to mock my own services and some of Angular …

unit-testing angular typescript jasmine testbed
Angular 4 Unit Tests (TestBed) extremely slow

I have some unit tests using Angular TestBed. Even if the tests are very simple, they run extremely slow (on …

angular performance unit-testing testbed
Angular unit Testing : TypeError: Cannot read property 'root' of undefined

I'm working on unit testing under my Angular app. My version of Angular is 4.0.0. My component look like this: component.…

angular unit-testing typescript jasmine testbed
Angular 2 TestBed with mocks

I am trying to test a component which uses another service. And I want to isolate the component by providing …

unit-testing angular mocking testbed angular2-providers
Argument of type "emit" is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'

I need to test a component in Angular which has only one method and certain @Input and @Output properties- updateColumns(…

angular jasmine mocking angular-components testbed