Top "Telegram-bot" questions

The Bot API is an HTTP-based interface created for developers keen on building bots for Telegram which is an instant-messaging app with documented API.

Telegram Bot Inline Keyboard not displaying PHP

The following code works, it adds custom keyboard keys 'Button1' and 'Button2' $keyboard = [ 'keyboard' => [['Button1'],['Button2…

php telegram telegram-bot php-telegram-bot
SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list, When using async

Why am I getting this error When I use async? My Code: bot.onText(/\/start/, async msg => { const opts = { …

javascript node.js async-await telegram-bot
How to test telegram bot webhook on local machine?

I developing a Telegram bot and I want to use Webhooks instead of polling to get messages from Telegram server. …

php webhooks telegram-bot
How to create a link to contact specific phone number via Telegram?

So I found out I could use a link like this in HTML: <a href="…

html hyperlink contacts telegram telegram-bot
Clear "pending_update_count" in Telegram Bot

I want to clear all pending_update_count in my bot! The output of below command :…

webhooks telegram telegram-bot telegram-webhook
Telegram bots read channel updates

As telegram bots reads groups updates, is there any way to read channel updates also?

telegram telegram-bot php-telegram-bot
what information about user can a telegram bot access?

I'm new to telegram bots, I want to know when we add a telegram bot to a group, can it …

Telegram bot - OAuth authorization

I want to implement OAuth authorization by Twitch API on my bot, and when I was looking for a better …

oauth telegram-bot
Telegram Bot with Telegraf.js - Send messages to chat

I want to create a Telegram Bot with Node.js and I am using Telegraf for it. I know I …

node.js telegram telegram-bot telegraf